Black Gigolo Fantasy For A Lovely Couple

Julius contacted me to fulfill his wifeā€™s fantasy of being with a black man.

James Bond Tux Look no watermark



I usually do not make a lot of fanfare about being a black gigolo. I have found that many, if not most, clients are impartial about a male companionā€™s race, ethnicity, or religious persuasion. However, it does matter to some. This was one of those situations in which the client also preferred a straight luxury black male companion. People want what they want so I do my best to give it to them without judgment. In this case, Julius had viewed my website and felt that I was the right black gigolo for his wife.

He told me that he only wanted to watch

We discussed the details such as date, time, and place. We agreed to meet initially at a local cocktail lounge so that he could provide me with some more information about her. I knew that he just wanted to check me out to ensure that I was indeed legitimate and safe prior to allowing me into his home and entrusting me with his wife. I could tell that they were open and honest with one another about their intimate desires and fantasies.


It was quite obvious that he really loved his wife

Julius asked, ā€œWhat would you like to drink?ā€ ā€œWater,ā€ I replied. Julius said, ā€œWow. You are here on time, you look and smell great and youā€™re not drinking alcohol. You really are as professional as your site indicatesā€. ā€œI like to live up to my professional image.ā€ I amusingly replied.


He described his wife Helena, her likes and dislikes as he downed a beer. We left the bar and I followed him home

We arrived at their beautiful, elegant house. After we entered, Julius introduced me to Helena. There stood a gorgeous, refined, older woman in her mid to late 50s; nice long blond hair, lovely round breasts, and a figure that any Hollywood starlet would envy.

ā€œItā€™s a pleasure to meet you, Helena,ā€ I gave her a small peck on the lips. We exchanged niceties for a few minutes at which point Julius excused himself.


Helena’s Black Gigolo Fantasy

Helena and I continued the conversation as she sipped a glass of red wine. I then moved closer, delivering a tender kiss on her full lips. Slowly, I removed her stilettos andĀ massaged her feetĀ as the conversation continued.

ā€œThat feels soĀ good,ā€ she whispered. ā€œShall we go into the bedroom?ā€ I asked. ā€œWhatever you want,ā€ she replied.


She picked up her glass of wine and the bottle, took my hand, and off we went to the bedroom

I unpacked a white candle, lit some incense, and ignited a diffuser. I filled the diffuser with a blend of water and essential oils and then prayed to heighten the energy between us.

She quickly undressed, unzipped my slacks, and reached for my manhood by the time I finished the prayer. I had planned to undress her slowly from top to bottom but she was ahead of me. We kissed even more intensely, our tongues dancing. I slowly broke contact kissing her earlobe and then her neck making a deep growling sound that vibrated down to her breasts. She moaned deeply.

Overcome with passion, she surrendered herself completely to the moment

I sensed that Helena wanted to be pleasured in ways that would peak the intensity of her sensual adventure. Those hours of eroticism seemed eternal to this sensual woman. I must say, she enjoyed every second of the encounter as Iā€™m sure Julius did peering quietly from the bedroom door.Ā 

After countless explosions of ecstasy, Helena relaxed on the bed catching her breath as I dressed. We had an absofrickenlutely fabulous time together. JuliusĀ and I conversed until Helena calmed down. I then left leaving the lovely couple to themselves.

Thanks to the lovely couple Helena and Julius

I am honored that they entrusted me as their black gigolo to fulfill Helenaā€™s fantasy.

Ā *In order to protect the client’s privacy their actual names and photos have not been used.

– Reprinted by permission from The Geisha Society.

Gabbing Leather Jacket

Heterosexual Male Escorts Features Me In La Stampa

La Stampa is an online paper in Italy, written in Italian. Ā One of its writers requested an interview to share my insights on heterosexual male escorts catering to women. I delightfully accepted the gracious invitation. It featured me along with two agencies managing heterosexual male escorts in the USA. It was published July 18, 2017, then became available to read free online a week later. Ā Read the articleā€™s a free online version on the La Stampa website by clicking here.

Hint: Use theĀ Google Chrome web browserĀ to view the article. It will then ask if you desire the page to be translated to English. Once you answer in the affirmative it will translate the page for you. The PDF of the paperā€™s front page and the article are embedded in this post below.

High-End Male Escort Quality Traits.

Not only seduction, but the new gigolos can also assemble your Ikea cabinets

Tux Showing ButtonsWho doesnā€™t remember Richard Gere in an impeccable Armani suit, speeding in his convertible in the streets of Los Angeles? American Gigolo has seduced a generation of women, but paying for a man’s services was a fantasy, reserved for wealthy women looking for company and discretion. These days, hiring an escort is no longer considered taboo for many women who are economically independent, exasperated by online dating, and with a precise idea of what they are looking for in a man. At [the] same time, from Tokyo to New York, the number of men for hire ready to satisfy their needs is increasing, ranging from an innocent romantic dinner to a 50 Shades of Grey-inspired sensual night.

According to a survey of the University of Lancaster that reviewed over 25.000 of ads for escorts from 2010 to 2015, the ones aimed at women have triplicated. ā€œThe clients are mostly in their 40s and 50sā€ explains Sarah Kingston, the professor heading the research with her colleague Nicola Smith. They have full careers, they look for a man with specific physical attributes or they want to revive their or their coupleā€™s sexual life.ā€ Many women, contrary to men, do not request particular services, but company and intimacy, or what is called a ā€œboyfriend experienceā€.


Some escorts have a second profession, while others, like Anthony Asanti, from Washington, DC also based in New York], choose it as a career.

He started in 2011 while studying law at university when a woman lawyer asked him to pay him for his company. Anthony, an expert in the art of seduction, considers his work honorable, with many positive effects on the lives of his clients. ā€œTo give a woman joy, pleasure, make her feel good about herself, is a necessary service, he explains. After the first experience, many [women] wonder why they did not try it before.ā€ His clients are single, divorcees, and married, and include homemakers, managers, and celebrities. ā€œSome didnā€™t have relations for a long time, others canā€™t find a man that makes them feel sexy and special, others want to have fun with no strings.ā€

While Asanti is independent, in the US the agency Cowboy4Angels has created a business of two million dollars a year, promoting sixty muscular men across the country. The[y] accompany women to business meetings, weddings, or a dinner for two. Sex is not in the contract to avoid legal problems but they specify that is legal for two consenting adults to get further. The website Rent-A-Gent forbids intimate relations with their men, who have other talents: they might assemble your Ikeas table, buy your groceries, or take you to a party to make your ex jealous. The catalog includes experts in finance and football players, but also strippers for bachelor parties ($250 an hour).

[The] boom of escort requests [is] even in Japan, where women pay high fees for services that could seem bizarre, such as cry together to unlock trapped emotions. Who[ever] wants more intimacy can hire a ā€œsheepā€, or a guy that would cook for them, listen to their problems and hug them to fall asleep. For a night of passion, some pay up to $100.000. In China, unmarried women over 30, considered old or ā€œshen nuā€, bringing a boy for hire at home for the Holidays helps avoid the pressure and judgment of family members ($10-$250 a day). Finally, the companion can also be virtual, with ā€œInvisible Boyfriendā€, the app that offers an uncustomized boyfriend for chatting online ($25 a month). Sexting is not included.

It was an honor to be featured alongside two large agencies managing heterosexual male escorts. Itā€™s a delightful confirmation to me that an independent companion(s) can be on par with even the largest agencies of heterosexual male escorts in every way, including professionalism.

Lover's Embrace

Squirting During Sex – The First Time I Saw It

I commented on an article by Veronica Monet (author and sex worker rights activist) on whether the fluid ejected from a womanā€™s vagina is pee whenĀ squirting. Apparently, a group of scientists stated that the female ejaculatory fluid is urine, contradicting an earlier study stating that it was not pee. Veronica was sharing her personal experiences with squirting. Writing my opinion about it brought back memories of when I first saw it happening to a woman I was having sex with.


Amina, which is not her real name, was the first woman I was with that squirted. We dated in college in the early ā€™90s. She was a very sensual woman. And she owned her sensuality. She was up for whatever felt good.

Her skin was so soft. We had long sessions of foreplay. It always made for a great experience between us. We had a no-strings-attached mostly sexual relationship preferring to see one another when our studies permitted.

Our relationship was intense. One minute we would be rolling on the floor laughing our asses off. The next minute we would be arguing about race, class, gender, breastfeeding, you name it. She was a Bell Hooks,Ā Angela DavisĀ quoting feminist who wouldnā€™t even allow me to open a door for her.

I was the typical guy who didnā€™t want to hear about any of the crap that some men inflict on women. However, the sex was so great that our differences didnā€™t matter. We would agree to disagree, laugh about it then resume our roll in the hay. She did get me to read a couple of chapters of one of Bell Hookā€™s books and I actually learned something from it.


It happened after we were in the bed for some time. We were engaged in some after-play when she said that she needed to pee. She went to the bathroom and did so. Something told to me that it was time to change the position.

I knew that she was always willing to try something new that hinted at a heightened sexual experience. I grabbed a stuffing showing a dilapidated chair from the adjoining dining room table. I then placed a towel on the chair. When she returned from the bathroom I pointed to the chair and then sat down.

Lubrication was never a problem for her. Her sensual nature made her naturally and constantly wet. She then slid onto me with a heartfelt loud moan. We locked arms gazing into one anotherā€™s eyes.

She slowly raised herself upon me then down as if savoring every stroke. We were both lost in that moment. It felt as if time had stopped. Slowly she increased the pace. Her moans of joy with me inside her excited me even more. We rocked back and forth while she slid up and down on me. Finally, I felt a gush of liquid on my penis.

Click here to read Part 2

Lover's Embrace

Squirting During Sex ā€“ The First Time I Saw It Part 2

Kissing her pussyI looked down between us. The fluid continued to gush. It was as if a water hose was turned on between the two of us. It actually drenched the chairā€™s foam. I tossed the chair in the trash afterward. We were both amazed and bewildered. Neither of us knew what it was. We didnā€™t care either because we just had some amazing sex.

As I think about that time after learning some of the science behind squirting, the conditions were exactly right for it to have occurred. For one thing, Amina was already turned on from the roll in the hay just prior to her going to the bathroom to pee. Also, we were in a chair with her straddling me. In that position, my dick was easily able to stimulate her G-spot when she slid up and down on me. And her clitoris was stimulated by the back and forth rocking motion. I get an erection just thinking about it.

Squirting Is Not Pee:

According to the older science, when a woman is sexually stimulated, the Skene’s glands (also known by other terms) fill with fluid. Click here to read about the Skene’s gland. Then the vaginal contractions cause the fluid in the gland to squirt when she orgasms. The Skene glands can refill with fluid between squirts. But the amount of fluid differs for each woman because of a number of reasons.

One reason is that the size of the Skene glands differs from woman to woman. Another reason is that the size of the ducts leading from the Skene glands to the urethra also differs from woman to woman. Most women can squirt enough to notice. However, some donā€™t because the size of the ducts leading from the Skene glands to the urethra is so small that no fluid can travel through them. Conversely, a womanā€™s glands and ducts may be so large that she gushes. This was probably the case with Amina.

Unfortunately, many women are ashamed of squirting. Often Iā€™ve had to coach and give a woman permission to squirt. Itā€™s a lovely experience for her since it requires her to have a clitoral and G-spot orgasm at the same time. Additionally, it involves up to three times more foreplay before penetration begins.

Notwithstanding the latest scientific findings, Iā€™ve never thought that the fluid released during female ejaculation was urine. It has never looked, smelled nor felt like urine. Some women are concerned that the liquid is pee. To alleviate that concern Iā€™ll ask her to go to the bathroom to empty her bladder even before starting foreplay. When she feels like she has to pee she knows itā€™s not urine.

It usually takes western science time to catch up to what people already know from personal experience.

Click here to read Part 1

Tux Showing Buttons

Gigolo For Couples ā€“ 10 Tips For Engaging One For Her Enjoyment

James Bond Tux Look no watermarkManyĀ couples engage the services of a gigolo, aka a straight male escort catering exclusively to women, to satiate the womanā€™s deepest desires. And why not? She can explore the depths of her sensuality with a man who certainly will not interfere or pose a threat to the coupleā€™s relationship. Also, if you need the skills of a professional then you hire wellā€¦ a ā€œProfessionalā€ (pun intended).

Iā€™ve been providing companionship to women and couples since 2011 and find that the reasons a couple may indulge in the pleasure of a straight male escort are as varied as the couple that engages them. Here are but a few:

  • Spice things up
  • She is intrigued by the idea of being with a gigolo
  • He has a fantasy of seeing his wife or girlfriend with another man
  • He suffers from an illness or injury that prevents him from either performing or adequately performing
  • She has fantasies about being with a man of aĀ different and/or particular ethnicity

10 Tips for Engaging a Gigolo

Whatever the reason(s) for engaging a gigolo, here are a few tips for couples considering hiring a straight male escort

  1. Communicate Your Needs ā€“ Be ready to tell your male escort about yourā€¦ However, avoid beingā€¦ Otherwise, your male companion may just completely cuff off communications with you.
  2. Choose A Renaissance Man ā€“ While most couples engage a male escort for the sensual skills select a gigolo who has multiple skills. Occasionally, you may just want him to accompany you to a social event, take the wife or girlfriend site-seeing, dance, accompany her shopping, attend an event, give her a sensual massage,Ā Bondassage,Ā or evenĀ prepare a scrumptious dinnerĀ for the lovely couple then become the dessert.
  3. Find One Who Clicks With You -Gigolos come in many varieties. Choose one who gets you, understands your goals, and genuinely wants to help you achieve them. This is a relationship and like all relationships, some people connect while others do not. It has little or no bearing on the quality of the male companionā€¦
  4. Straight Means Just That ā€“ If hiring a straight male escort donā€™t expect him to service another man. Attempting to sneak something in will probably put an abrupt end to the Adventure. Itā€™s a huge offense. If you want your escort to service the man itā€™s better to hire a gay or bisexual male escort.
  5. Engage Aā€¦.Ā  ā€“ AĀ quality straight male escort has certain traits.Ā  The overwhelming majority (99.99999%) of male companions these days will be online in some way. Check his digital signature including his comments on social media. He should haveā€¦ If he doesnā€™t have a digital signature perhaps he is new to the business, retired, nearing retirement or a dangerous guy posing as an escort.
  6. Book Enough Time ā€“ If you have never hired a straight male escort or this particular one it will take it will take some time for both of you expecially the wife, girlfriend, or significant other to become relaxed and comfortable with the male companion. After all, he is a stranger.
  7. Donā€™tā€¦ ā€“ If you want things done a certain way or order it shouldā€¦ A quality straight male escort should know what he is dong. Thus, itā€™s best toā€¦ Trying toā€¦ serves to break the flow of intimacy between him and the woman.
  8. She Must Beā€¦Ā  ā€“ Sometimes the husband or boyfriend is the one pushing for a rendezvous to occur. Unless the wife or girlfriendā€¦Ā  itā€™s better to wait untilā€¦ Additionally, it is not a good idea toā€¦ by having a male escortā€¦
  9. Takeā€¦ ā€“ If your encounter is a threesome, foursome, or moresomeā€¦ but even if itā€™s a one-on-one between her and the gigolo thenā€¦ There may be the option of a Coupleā€™s AdventureĀ where there is a female escort for the husband/boyfriend and a male escort for the wife/girlfriend. Obviousā€¦ But if she knows you areā€¦
  10. IntimateEncourageā€¦ ā€“ Some women may become concernedĀ thatā€¦ The husband/boyfriend in the couple shouldā€¦. This helps to mitigate or completely eliminate that concern.

Compersion For Her With A Gigolo

Thereā€™s actually a term to describe when a partner is happy for and supportive of the other partner having an amazing experience with someone else. Itā€™s calledĀ compersion. A coupleā€™s tryst with a gigolo may not be for every relationship but if you desire to explore this possibility it may be just what you need. I would be honored to help you navigate what could be an amazing adventure for both of you.


Note: My companionship to women has evolved to being a Professional Boyfriend to women. However, I want you to find me so I’ll continue to use the terms Gigolo, Male escort, etc for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes.