Anthony Asanti Laying on Couch

High-end Straight Male Escort Quality Traits

Lately, Iā€™ve received many inquiries from guys asking for advice on how to become a high-end straight male escort catering to women (aka gigolo, companion, or courtesan for women). I usually ask them why they want to get into this business. The usual answers are either to have sex with many women and/or to make lots of money.

My response to them is that they must genuinely change the thinking from getting something from a woman to giving her a guaranteed fabulous experience; whether in or outside of the bedroom. Here are a few reasons explaining why in the first of a series of articles that I’ll write on the topic.

1. Makes Sure She Comes First


An intentional pun but itā€™s apropos. A companion for women should drop his ego in order to give his client a temporary escape. NotĀ every client will want physical intimacy but she will certainly want him to make her feel special, comfortable, safe, and attentive to her needs. Of course, if sex does occur then her pleasure and satisfaction should be seen as more important than his.

2.Ā Relaxed, Upbeat & In A Good Mood

Women are very perceptive of emotions. They will not only sense them but will start to feel them inside. Usually, the main reason that she patronizes a male courtesan is to make her feel relaxed, amazing, sexy, beautiful, and good about herself, in addition to the aforementioned. The only way to do so is for him to be relaxed and keep his energy lite, upbeat, and positive.

3. Listens Twice As Much As HeĀ Speaks

We have two ears and one mouth for a good reason. A good male courtesan allows his patron to speak while he actively listens. A woman loves it when a man listens to her and is genuinely interested in what she says. Itā€™s the little things that have a HUGE impact on her. She should be given the attention of a captive audience of one. Making her the star of the show.

4. He’s The Man

Although a high-end straight male escort catering to women should be a chivalrous, respectful, and charismatic gentleman. He becomes even more powerful with an air of mysteriousness, nerves of steel, and King Kong-sized balls. More often than not a patron will want her gigolo to take control and lead her into a memorable experience. This requires a sky-high level of confidence and boldness coupled with good skills of observation and sensitivity to her subtle signals. They also help to gently lead the interaction in the direction that she wants it to go without her having to guide her.

5.Ā A Seducer of Women

couple kissing

Seduction starts with self-confidence that is unshakable by anyone or anything. Women can sense a manā€™s self-confidence and are drawn to a guy with high levels of it. It creates powerful masculine energy or presence that becomes almost irresistible. They love it when a man is so sure of himself that he takes his time to allow the sexual tension to build up naturally through their interaction, humor, body language, and the senses. He then becomes the object of her desire by remaining open and non-judgmental to whatever she wants (more on this below).


6. HandlesĀ His High-end Straight Male Escort Business

Even Don Juan or some other great seducer of women will be unsuccessful if he is unprofessional, provides shabby service, or is unwilling to accommodate his patronā€™s needs. There is a business aspect to providing companionship to women. The more successful companions research, plan, and execute those plans prior to starting then tweak as needed. There are many resources online.

7.Ā Constantly Improves HisĀ Product

A high-end straight male companion for women should constantly improve himself; the product. Most clients will expect a certain level of intelligence, sophistication, and skillfulness from him. If nothing else then raw animal magnetism. Constant self-improvement helps to become not only well-rounded but also a more interesting person. Reading, and staying informed about news and current events arms him with a plethora of topics to intelligently discuss. In addition, studying different forms of kink, massage, tantric, etc. equips him with an arsenal of sensual skills.

8. Open To Whatever She Wants

Different patrons will call upon a male companion for a myriad of reasons. One may want him to escort her to a social function while another may want to try out some form of kink. Another may want a boyfriend experience whereas a couple may want the wife or girlfriend entertained. It may depend on a number of factors including her emotional state at a given time. Sex will often, but not always, be involved in the trysts. Itā€™s ALWAYS her decision. A gigolo just needs to be open to whatever she needs from him at any given moment. Then be ready, willing, and able to satisfy those needs.

There you have it. Being a high-end straight male escort catering to women can be a fabulous experience for both patrons and companions but the companion must work it. Providing companionship to women is no easy walk in the park. If he expects an amazing woman to pay for his time and companionship shouldnā€™t he be at least as amazing?

Gabbing Leather Jacket

Heterosexual Male Escorts Features Me In La Stampa

La Stampa is an online paper in Italy, written in Italian. Ā One of its writers requested an interview to share my insights on heterosexual male escorts catering to women. I delightfully accepted the gracious invitation. It featured me along with two agencies managing heterosexual male escorts in the USA. It was published July 18, 2017, then became available to read free online a week later. Ā Read the articleā€™s a free online version on the La Stampa website by clicking here.

Hint: Use theĀ Google Chrome web browserĀ to view the article. It will then ask if you desire the page to be translated to English. Once you answer in the affirmative it will translate the page for you. The PDF of the paperā€™s front page and the article are embedded in this post below.

High-End Male Escort Quality Traits.

Not only seduction, but the new gigolos can also assemble your Ikea cabinets

Tux Showing ButtonsWho doesnā€™t remember Richard Gere in an impeccable Armani suit, speeding in his convertible in the streets of Los Angeles? American Gigolo has seduced a generation of women, but paying for a man’s services was a fantasy, reserved for wealthy women looking for company and discretion. These days, hiring an escort is no longer considered taboo for many women who are economically independent, exasperated by online dating, and with a precise idea of what they are looking for in a man. At [the] same time, from Tokyo to New York, the number of men for hire ready to satisfy their needs is increasing, ranging from an innocent romantic dinner to a 50 Shades of Grey-inspired sensual night.

According to a survey of the University of Lancaster that reviewed over 25.000 of ads for escorts from 2010 to 2015, the ones aimed at women have triplicated. ā€œThe clients are mostly in their 40s and 50sā€ explains Sarah Kingston, the professor heading the research with her colleague Nicola Smith. They have full careers, they look for a man with specific physical attributes or they want to revive their or their coupleā€™s sexual life.ā€ Many women, contrary to men, do not request particular services, but company and intimacy, or what is called a ā€œboyfriend experienceā€.


Some escorts have a second profession, while others, like Anthony Asanti, from Washington, DC also based in New York], choose it as a career.

He started in 2011 while studying law at university when a woman lawyer asked him to pay him for his company. Anthony, an expert in the art of seduction, considers his work honorable, with many positive effects on the lives of his clients. ā€œTo give a woman joy, pleasure, make her feel good about herself, is a necessary service, he explains. After the first experience, many [women] wonder why they did not try it before.ā€ His clients are single, divorcees, and married, and include homemakers, managers, and celebrities. ā€œSome didnā€™t have relations for a long time, others canā€™t find a man that makes them feel sexy and special, others want to have fun with no strings.ā€

While Asanti is independent, in the US the agency Cowboy4Angels has created a business of two million dollars a year, promoting sixty muscular men across the country. The[y] accompany women to business meetings, weddings, or a dinner for two. Sex is not in the contract to avoid legal problems but they specify that is legal for two consenting adults to get further. The website Rent-A-Gent forbids intimate relations with their men, who have other talents: they might assemble your Ikeas table, buy your groceries, or take you to a party to make your ex jealous. The catalog includes experts in finance and football players, but also strippers for bachelor parties ($250 an hour).

[The] boom of escort requests [is] even in Japan, where women pay high fees for services that could seem bizarre, such as cry together to unlock trapped emotions. Who[ever] wants more intimacy can hire a ā€œsheepā€, or a guy that would cook for them, listen to their problems and hug them to fall asleep. For a night of passion, some pay up to $100.000. In China, unmarried women over 30, considered old or ā€œshen nuā€, bringing a boy for hire at home for the Holidays helps avoid the pressure and judgment of family members ($10-$250 a day). Finally, the companion can also be virtual, with ā€œInvisible Boyfriendā€, the app that offers an uncustomized boyfriend for chatting online ($25 a month). Sexting is not included.

It was an honor to be featured alongside two large agencies managing heterosexual male escorts. Itā€™s a delightful confirmation to me that an independent companion(s) can be on par with even the largest agencies of heterosexual male escorts in every way, including professionalism.

Kemetic Goddess Het-Heru

Escorting ā€“ A Spiritual Basis For Courtesans

Divine Femininity & Masculinity
The divine Feminine (r) & Masculine(l) principles Het-Heru & Heru respectively

Some time ago I commented on an article about how the ancient world looked at sexuality. I will expand on it as it relates to escorting.

I love to study ancient and indigenous civilizations. They had or have knowledge and wisdom that our contemporary world could benefit greatly from. They recognized that humans have both divine and animal aspects and that both were necessary.



Het-HeruĀ Pleasure:

For example, in the ancient world invoking joy, pleasure, etc. in another was a great honor. There was no problem with meeting a complete stranger and experiencing intimacy with that person. There was no moral condemnation involved. In fact, it was considered a practical matter that consenting men and women would become intimate if they met, instantly felt a mutual affinity, and wanted to explore it further. After all, isnā€™t intimacy with another a form of communication?

Het Heru with UachetThere have been and still are shrines dedicated to the principle of joy. Although some people today refer to it as a goddess itā€™s actually a principle in the universe that was personified so that people could more easily comprehend and remember it. In ancient KMT/Kemet (1000 ā€“ 8000 years BCE) this principle was known by a number of names but the nameĀ Het-HeruĀ stands out for me. Het-Heru literally meant the house of Heru. Heru was the masculine complement of this principle.

Het-Heru was not only studied and practiced as a discipline in itself but also as part of a larger system of principles that the universe is based upon. It operates on a spectrum of behavior. At one end of the spectrum, there is the height of sexuality, even escorting. On the opposite end of the spectrum, it is the imagination to bring anything visualized into reality. The highest thought of ourselves in the mind of that force in the universe that some call Neter, Olodumare, Nkulunkulu, God, Allah, etc.

Het-Heru was the archetype of young women. It was personified as a beautiful woman that knows everything about invoking, heightening, and maintaining sensuality, pleasure, laughter, joy, and happiness in herself and others, especially men. This principle manifests itself in: female sexuality, being social, sensual, artistic, and creative endeavors (dancing, singing, visualizing, etc.), ecstatic trance, imagination, and the energy thereof.
There are many more manifestations of it. In the field of sociology, itā€™s called attraction or likability, the life of the party, etc. In physics, itā€™s called gravity. In spiritual science, itā€™s called imagination, visualization, and sexual magic. I just call it Het-Heru.

Aphrodisiacs Used In Escorting:

All of the aphrodisiacs used in escorting (music, dance, aromas, foods) and sexual sciences (Tantra, Kama Sutra, SummumBonumHet-Heru

Amen Ra) romance, rituals, etc. were designed to invoke and increase the life force in us through sensual practices fall under this principle. The contemporary terms of sexual fantasies, adult sex dating, romance, exotic, etc., and escorting (male and female) would fall under this principle also. All people with great social, artistic, and creative skills have in some way tapped into this energy.

The Het-Heru energy may be more dominant in some people. Others develop it through training. The more successful escorts (female and male) tap into this part of themselves naturally. Most tend to be joyful, pleasant, gregarious, sensual, sexually veracious, and adventurous. At least when it comes to attracting and seducing clients, sex, etc. All of us have it and can develop it further.

By the way, the Greeks referred to KMT as Egypt. They also incorporated the Het-Heru principle into its pantheon of gods naming it Aphrodite. The Romans did the same naming their Venus. Even today the Yoruba of Nigeria (who some say migrated from Kemet after Kemet fell) have Oshun. Some contemporary Egyptologists refer to Het-Heru as Hathor and Heru as Horus.

The Why:

Most cultures took great care of their life force because it enabled them to invoke god-like attributes (omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, etc.) for practical matters. The study, cultivation, and use of it were considered a great honor. Donā€™t we all want to be the life of the party or at least be in his/her presence?

Today most people in the western world are unhappy with their lives. Many feel the pain of loneliness and boredom. Many are sexually unfulfilled, stuck in abusive or loveless relationships, jobs that they hate, and many other bad situations too numerous to mention. Escorting by someone that knows how to invoke this joyful healing energy is needed more today than it ever has been.

Iā€™m honored to follow this ancient principle of bringing pleasure, joy, and happiness to others through escorting women and couples.

Tux Showing Buttons

Gigolo For Couples ā€“ 10 Tips For Engaging One For Her Enjoyment

James Bond Tux Look no watermarkManyĀ couples engage the services of a gigolo, aka a straight male escort catering exclusively to women, to satiate the womanā€™s deepest desires. And why not? She can explore the depths of her sensuality with a man who certainly will not interfere or pose a threat to the coupleā€™s relationship. Also, if you need the skills of a professional then you hire wellā€¦ a ā€œProfessionalā€ (pun intended).

Iā€™ve been providing companionship to women and couples since 2011 and find that the reasons a couple may indulge in the pleasure of a straight male escort are as varied as the couple that engages them. Here are but a few:

  • Spice things up
  • She is intrigued by the idea of being with a gigolo
  • He has a fantasy of seeing his wife or girlfriend with another man
  • He suffers from an illness or injury that prevents him from either performing or adequately performing
  • She has fantasies about being with a man of aĀ different and/or particular ethnicity

10 Tips for Engaging a Gigolo

Whatever the reason(s) for engaging a gigolo, here are a few tips for couples considering hiring a straight male escort

  1. Communicate Your Needs ā€“ Be ready to tell your male escort about yourā€¦ However, avoid beingā€¦ Otherwise, your male companion may just completely cuff off communications with you.
  2. Choose A Renaissance Man ā€“ While most couples engage a male escort for the sensual skills select a gigolo who has multiple skills. Occasionally, you may just want him to accompany you to a social event, take the wife or girlfriend site-seeing, dance, accompany her shopping, attend an event, give her a sensual massage,Ā Bondassage,Ā or evenĀ prepare a scrumptious dinnerĀ for the lovely couple then become the dessert.
  3. Find One Who Clicks With You -Gigolos come in many varieties. Choose one who gets you, understands your goals, and genuinely wants to help you achieve them. This is a relationship and like all relationships, some people connect while others do not. It has little or no bearing on the quality of the male companionā€¦
  4. Straight Means Just That ā€“ If hiring a straight male escort donā€™t expect him to service another man. Attempting to sneak something in will probably put an abrupt end to the Adventure. Itā€™s a huge offense. If you want your escort to service the man itā€™s better to hire a gay or bisexual male escort.
  5. Engage Aā€¦.Ā  ā€“ AĀ quality straight male escort has certain traits.Ā  The overwhelming majority (99.99999%) of male companions these days will be online in some way. Check his digital signature including his comments on social media. He should haveā€¦ If he doesnā€™t have a digital signature perhaps he is new to the business, retired, nearing retirement or a dangerous guy posing as an escort.
  6. Book Enough Time ā€“ If you have never hired a straight male escort or this particular one it will take it will take some time for both of you expecially the wife, girlfriend, or significant other to become relaxed and comfortable with the male companion. After all, he is a stranger.
  7. Donā€™tā€¦ ā€“ If you want things done a certain way or order it shouldā€¦ A quality straight male escort should know what he is dong. Thus, itā€™s best toā€¦ Trying toā€¦ serves to break the flow of intimacy between him and the woman.
  8. She Must Beā€¦Ā  ā€“ Sometimes the husband or boyfriend is the one pushing for a rendezvous to occur. Unless the wife or girlfriendā€¦Ā  itā€™s better to wait untilā€¦ Additionally, it is not a good idea toā€¦ by having a male escortā€¦
  9. Takeā€¦ ā€“ If your encounter is a threesome, foursome, or moresomeā€¦ but even if itā€™s a one-on-one between her and the gigolo thenā€¦ There may be the option of a Coupleā€™s AdventureĀ where there is a female escort for the husband/boyfriend and a male escort for the wife/girlfriend. Obviousā€¦ But if she knows you areā€¦
  10. IntimateEncourageā€¦ ā€“ Some women may become concernedĀ thatā€¦ The husband/boyfriend in the couple shouldā€¦. This helps to mitigate or completely eliminate that concern.

Compersion For Her With A Gigolo

Thereā€™s actually a term to describe when a partner is happy for and supportive of the other partner having an amazing experience with someone else. Itā€™s calledĀ compersion. A coupleā€™s tryst with a gigolo may not be for every relationship but if you desire to explore this possibility it may be just what you need. I would be honored to help you navigate what could be an amazing adventure for both of you.


Note: My companionship to women has evolved to being a Professional Boyfriend to women. However, I want you to find me so I’ll continue to use the terms Gigolo, Male escort, etc for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes.