Black Gigolo Fantasy For A Lovely Couple

Julius contacted me to fulfill his wife’s fantasy of being with a black man.

James Bond Tux Look no watermark



I usually do not make a lot of fanfare about being a black gigolo. I have found that many, if not most, clients are impartial about a male companion’s race, ethnicity, or religious persuasion. However, it does matter to some. This was one of those situations in which the client also preferred a straight luxury black male companion. People want what they want so I do my best to give it to them without judgment. In this case, Julius had viewed my website and felt that I was the right black gigolo for his wife.

He told me that he only wanted to watch

We discussed the details such as date, time, and place. We agreed to meet initially at a local cocktail lounge so that he could provide me with some more information about her. I knew that he just wanted to check me out to ensure that I was indeed legitimate and safe prior to allowing me into his home and entrusting me with his wife. I could tell that they were open and honest with one another about their intimate desires and fantasies.


It was quite obvious that he really loved his wife

Julius asked, “What would you like to drink?” “Water,” I replied. Julius said, “Wow. You are here on time, you look and smell great and you’re not drinking alcohol. You really are as professional as your site indicates”. “I like to live up to my professional image.” I amusingly replied.


He described his wife Helena, her likes and dislikes as he downed a beer. We left the bar and I followed him home

We arrived at their beautiful, elegant house. After we entered, Julius introduced me to Helena. There stood a gorgeous, refined, older woman in her mid to late 50s; nice long blond hair, lovely round breasts, and a figure that any Hollywood starlet would envy.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Helena,” I gave her a small peck on the lips. We exchanged niceties for a few minutes at which point Julius excused himself.


Helena’s Black Gigolo Fantasy

Helena and I continued the conversation as she sipped a glass of red wine. I then moved closer, delivering a tender kiss on her full lips. Slowly, I removed her stilettos and massaged her feet as the conversation continued.

“That feels so good,” she whispered. “Shall we go into the bedroom?” I asked. “Whatever you want,” she replied.


She picked up her glass of wine and the bottle, took my hand, and off we went to the bedroom

I unpacked a white candle, lit some incense, and ignited a diffuser. I filled the diffuser with a blend of water and essential oils and then prayed to heighten the energy between us.

She quickly undressed, unzipped my slacks, and reached for my manhood by the time I finished the prayer. I had planned to undress her slowly from top to bottom but she was ahead of me. We kissed even more intensely, our tongues dancing. I slowly broke contact kissing her earlobe and then her neck making a deep growling sound that vibrated down to her breasts. She moaned deeply.

Overcome with passion, she surrendered herself completely to the moment

I sensed that Helena wanted to be pleasured in ways that would peak the intensity of her sensual adventure. Those hours of eroticism seemed eternal to this sensual woman. I must say, she enjoyed every second of the encounter as I’m sure Julius did peering quietly from the bedroom door. 

After countless explosions of ecstasy, Helena relaxed on the bed catching her breath as I dressed. We had an absofrickenlutely fabulous time together. Julius and I conversed until Helena calmed down. I then left leaving the lovely couple to themselves.

Thanks to the lovely couple Helena and Julius

I am honored that they entrusted me as their black gigolo to fulfill Helena’s fantasy.

 *In order to protect the client’s privacy their actual names and photos have not been used.

– Reprinted by permission from The Geisha Society.

Anthony Asanti Laying on Couch

High-end Straight Male Escort Quality Traits

Lately, I’ve received many inquiries from guys asking for advice on how to become a high-end straight male escort catering to women (aka gigolo, companion, or courtesan for women). I usually ask them why they want to get into this business. The usual answers are either to have sex with many women and/or to make lots of money.

My response to them is that they must genuinely change the thinking from getting something from a woman to giving her a guaranteed fabulous experience; whether in or outside of the bedroom. Here are a few reasons explaining why in the first of a series of articles that I’ll write on the topic.

1. Makes Sure She Comes First


An intentional pun but it’s apropos. A companion for women should drop his ego in order to give his client a temporary escape. Not every client will want physical intimacy but she will certainly want him to make her feel special, comfortable, safe, and attentive to her needs. Of course, if sex does occur then her pleasure and satisfaction should be seen as more important than his.

2. Relaxed, Upbeat & In A Good Mood

Women are very perceptive of emotions. They will not only sense them but will start to feel them inside. Usually, the main reason that she patronizes a male courtesan is to make her feel relaxed, amazing, sexy, beautiful, and good about herself, in addition to the aforementioned. The only way to do so is for him to be relaxed and keep his energy lite, upbeat, and positive.

3. Listens Twice As Much As He Speaks

We have two ears and one mouth for a good reason. A good male courtesan allows his patron to speak while he actively listens. A woman loves it when a man listens to her and is genuinely interested in what she says. It’s the little things that have a HUGE impact on her. She should be given the attention of a captive audience of one. Making her the star of the show.

4. He’s The Man

Although a high-end straight male escort catering to women should be a chivalrous, respectful, and charismatic gentleman. He becomes even more powerful with an air of mysteriousness, nerves of steel, and King Kong-sized balls. More often than not a patron will want her gigolo to take control and lead her into a memorable experience. This requires a sky-high level of confidence and boldness coupled with good skills of observation and sensitivity to her subtle signals. They also help to gently lead the interaction in the direction that she wants it to go without her having to guide her.

5. A Seducer of Women

couple kissing

Seduction starts with self-confidence that is unshakable by anyone or anything. Women can sense a man’s self-confidence and are drawn to a guy with high levels of it. It creates powerful masculine energy or presence that becomes almost irresistible. They love it when a man is so sure of himself that he takes his time to allow the sexual tension to build up naturally through their interaction, humor, body language, and the senses. He then becomes the object of her desire by remaining open and non-judgmental to whatever she wants (more on this below).


6. Handles His High-end Straight Male Escort Business

Even Don Juan or some other great seducer of women will be unsuccessful if he is unprofessional, provides shabby service, or is unwilling to accommodate his patron’s needs. There is a business aspect to providing companionship to women. The more successful companions research, plan, and execute those plans prior to starting then tweak as needed. There are many resources online.

7. Constantly Improves His Product

A high-end straight male companion for women should constantly improve himself; the product. Most clients will expect a certain level of intelligence, sophistication, and skillfulness from him. If nothing else then raw animal magnetism. Constant self-improvement helps to become not only well-rounded but also a more interesting person. Reading, and staying informed about news and current events arms him with a plethora of topics to intelligently discuss. In addition, studying different forms of kink, massage, tantric, etc. equips him with an arsenal of sensual skills.

8. Open To Whatever She Wants

Different patrons will call upon a male companion for a myriad of reasons. One may want him to escort her to a social function while another may want to try out some form of kink. Another may want a boyfriend experience whereas a couple may want the wife or girlfriend entertained. It may depend on a number of factors including her emotional state at a given time. Sex will often, but not always, be involved in the trysts. It’s ALWAYS her decision. A gigolo just needs to be open to whatever she needs from him at any given moment. Then be ready, willing, and able to satisfy those needs.

There you have it. Being a high-end straight male escort catering to women can be a fabulous experience for both patrons and companions but the companion must work it. Providing companionship to women is no easy walk in the park. If he expects an amazing woman to pay for his time and companionship shouldn’t he be at least as amazing?

Kemetic Goddess Het-Heru

Escorting – A Spiritual Basis For Courtesans

Divine Femininity & Masculinity
The divine Feminine (r) & Masculine(l) principles Het-Heru & Heru respectively

Some time ago I commented on an article about how the ancient world looked at sexuality. I will expand on it as it relates to escorting.

I love to study ancient and indigenous civilizations. They had or have knowledge and wisdom that our contemporary world could benefit greatly from. They recognized that humans have both divine and animal aspects and that both were necessary.



Het-Heru Pleasure:

For example, in the ancient world invoking joy, pleasure, etc. in another was a great honor. There was no problem with meeting a complete stranger and experiencing intimacy with that person. There was no moral condemnation involved. In fact, it was considered a practical matter that consenting men and women would become intimate if they met, instantly felt a mutual affinity, and wanted to explore it further. After all, isn’t intimacy with another a form of communication?

Het Heru with UachetThere have been and still are shrines dedicated to the principle of joy. Although some people today refer to it as a goddess it’s actually a principle in the universe that was personified so that people could more easily comprehend and remember it. In ancient KMT/Kemet (1000 – 8000 years BCE) this principle was known by a number of names but the name Het-Heru stands out for me. Het-Heru literally meant the house of Heru. Heru was the masculine complement of this principle.

Het-Heru was not only studied and practiced as a discipline in itself but also as part of a larger system of principles that the universe is based upon. It operates on a spectrum of behavior. At one end of the spectrum, there is the height of sexuality, even escorting. On the opposite end of the spectrum, it is the imagination to bring anything visualized into reality. The highest thought of ourselves in the mind of that force in the universe that some call Neter, Olodumare, Nkulunkulu, God, Allah, etc.

Het-Heru was the archetype of young women. It was personified as a beautiful woman that knows everything about invoking, heightening, and maintaining sensuality, pleasure, laughter, joy, and happiness in herself and others, especially men. This principle manifests itself in: female sexuality, being social, sensual, artistic, and creative endeavors (dancing, singing, visualizing, etc.), ecstatic trance, imagination, and the energy thereof.
There are many more manifestations of it. In the field of sociology, it’s called attraction or likability, the life of the party, etc. In physics, it’s called gravity. In spiritual science, it’s called imagination, visualization, and sexual magic. I just call it Het-Heru.

Aphrodisiacs Used In Escorting:

All of the aphrodisiacs used in escorting (music, dance, aromas, foods) and sexual sciences (Tantra, Kama Sutra, SummumBonumHet-Heru

Amen Ra) romance, rituals, etc. were designed to invoke and increase the life force in us through sensual practices fall under this principle. The contemporary terms of sexual fantasies, adult sex dating, romance, exotic, etc., and escorting (male and female) would fall under this principle also. All people with great social, artistic, and creative skills have in some way tapped into this energy.

The Het-Heru energy may be more dominant in some people. Others develop it through training. The more successful escorts (female and male) tap into this part of themselves naturally. Most tend to be joyful, pleasant, gregarious, sensual, sexually veracious, and adventurous. At least when it comes to attracting and seducing clients, sex, etc. All of us have it and can develop it further.

By the way, the Greeks referred to KMT as Egypt. They also incorporated the Het-Heru principle into its pantheon of gods naming it Aphrodite. The Romans did the same naming their Venus. Even today the Yoruba of Nigeria (who some say migrated from Kemet after Kemet fell) have Oshun. Some contemporary Egyptologists refer to Het-Heru as Hathor and Heru as Horus.

The Why:

Most cultures took great care of their life force because it enabled them to invoke god-like attributes (omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, etc.) for practical matters. The study, cultivation, and use of it were considered a great honor. Don’t we all want to be the life of the party or at least be in his/her presence?

Today most people in the western world are unhappy with their lives. Many feel the pain of loneliness and boredom. Many are sexually unfulfilled, stuck in abusive or loveless relationships, jobs that they hate, and many other bad situations too numerous to mention. Escorting by someone that knows how to invoke this joyful healing energy is needed more today than it ever has been.

I’m honored to follow this ancient principle of bringing pleasure, joy, and happiness to others through escorting women and couples.

Lover's Embrace

Squirting During Sex – The First Time I Saw It

I commented on an article by Veronica Monet (author and sex worker rights activist) on whether the fluid ejected from a woman’s vagina is pee when squirting. Apparently, a group of scientists stated that the female ejaculatory fluid is urine, contradicting an earlier study stating that it was not pee. Veronica was sharing her personal experiences with squirting. Writing my opinion about it brought back memories of when I first saw it happening to a woman I was having sex with.


Amina, which is not her real name, was the first woman I was with that squirted. We dated in college in the early ’90s. She was a very sensual woman. And she owned her sensuality. She was up for whatever felt good.

Her skin was so soft. We had long sessions of foreplay. It always made for a great experience between us. We had a no-strings-attached mostly sexual relationship preferring to see one another when our studies permitted.

Our relationship was intense. One minute we would be rolling on the floor laughing our asses off. The next minute we would be arguing about race, class, gender, breastfeeding, you name it. She was a Bell Hooks, Angela Davis quoting feminist who wouldn’t even allow me to open a door for her.

I was the typical guy who didn’t want to hear about any of the crap that some men inflict on women. However, the sex was so great that our differences didn’t matter. We would agree to disagree, laugh about it then resume our roll in the hay. She did get me to read a couple of chapters of one of Bell Hook’s books and I actually learned something from it.


It happened after we were in the bed for some time. We were engaged in some after-play when she said that she needed to pee. She went to the bathroom and did so. Something told to me that it was time to change the position.

I knew that she was always willing to try something new that hinted at a heightened sexual experience. I grabbed a stuffing showing a dilapidated chair from the adjoining dining room table. I then placed a towel on the chair. When she returned from the bathroom I pointed to the chair and then sat down.

Lubrication was never a problem for her. Her sensual nature made her naturally and constantly wet. She then slid onto me with a heartfelt loud moan. We locked arms gazing into one another’s eyes.

She slowly raised herself upon me then down as if savoring every stroke. We were both lost in that moment. It felt as if time had stopped. Slowly she increased the pace. Her moans of joy with me inside her excited me even more. We rocked back and forth while she slid up and down on me. Finally, I felt a gush of liquid on my penis.

Click here to read Part 2

Lover's Embrace

Squirting During Sex – The First Time I Saw It Part 2

Kissing her pussyI looked down between us. The fluid continued to gush. It was as if a water hose was turned on between the two of us. It actually drenched the chair’s foam. I tossed the chair in the trash afterward. We were both amazed and bewildered. Neither of us knew what it was. We didn’t care either because we just had some amazing sex.

As I think about that time after learning some of the science behind squirting, the conditions were exactly right for it to have occurred. For one thing, Amina was already turned on from the roll in the hay just prior to her going to the bathroom to pee. Also, we were in a chair with her straddling me. In that position, my dick was easily able to stimulate her G-spot when she slid up and down on me. And her clitoris was stimulated by the back and forth rocking motion. I get an erection just thinking about it.

Squirting Is Not Pee:

According to the older science, when a woman is sexually stimulated, the Skene’s glands (also known by other terms) fill with fluid. Click here to read about the Skene’s gland. Then the vaginal contractions cause the fluid in the gland to squirt when she orgasms. The Skene glands can refill with fluid between squirts. But the amount of fluid differs for each woman because of a number of reasons.

One reason is that the size of the Skene glands differs from woman to woman. Another reason is that the size of the ducts leading from the Skene glands to the urethra also differs from woman to woman. Most women can squirt enough to notice. However, some don’t because the size of the ducts leading from the Skene glands to the urethra is so small that no fluid can travel through them. Conversely, a woman’s glands and ducts may be so large that she gushes. This was probably the case with Amina.

Unfortunately, many women are ashamed of squirting. Often I’ve had to coach and give a woman permission to squirt. It’s a lovely experience for her since it requires her to have a clitoral and G-spot orgasm at the same time. Additionally, it involves up to three times more foreplay before penetration begins.

Notwithstanding the latest scientific findings, I’ve never thought that the fluid released during female ejaculation was urine. It has never looked, smelled nor felt like urine. Some women are concerned that the liquid is pee. To alleviate that concern I’ll ask her to go to the bathroom to empty her bladder even before starting foreplay. When she feels like she has to pee she knows it’s not urine.

It usually takes western science time to catch up to what people already know from personal experience.

Click here to read Part 1

Couple Kissing

Straight Male Companion: A Woman’s Right To Hire Him Part 3

Should or Shouldn’t I?:


Some women languish for long periods of time over whether they should engage a straight male companion for hire. It’s understandable. When making this decision keep in mind we all have the right to come up with a solution(s) that we believe will work best for us. The solutions are value judgments based on your particular set of circumstances, the options before you and where you are at a particular point in your life. All decisions come with consequences. Even those where one decides to not change anything has the consequence of things remaining the same.


Value judgments can never be wrong; just maybe different from another’s. Sometimes our choices result in desirable outcomes; other times not so much. Other people faced with the same circumstances may make the same choices; some will not. Some will agree with our choices; others, well, will not.

How To Find A Quality Straight Male Companion:

All straight male companions are not created equally. Some are of top-notch quality. Yet many more shouldn’t be anywhere near this business. Exercise due diligence whether you patronize a male escort who works as an independent or one represented by an escort agency. Your comfort and safety are paramount.

I suggest that you check out Concierge Du Monde before searching for a companion. It’s a forum where you can learn how to safely navigate the dance of patronizing straight male companions. There you can also connect with male companions and with some amazing women who patronize them. The forum, however, Tux Showing Buttonsexperiences cycles of high and low activity at times. But it’s an invaluable resource that covers a wide variety of topics.
Then determine what type of experience(s) that you want before searching for a companion to fulfill your needs.
Finding a straight male companion can be as easy as connecting with one on Concierge Du Monde, doing a search using your favorite search engine, or asking a friend for a recommendation.

To find one on the internet merely enter your search criteria as your keyword search term(s). Be prepared to look beyond the first two search engine results pages. There are a lot of irrelevant, crappy sites and distasteful ads. Stay with it and you will eventually find a companion who piques your interest.

If you feel comfortable doing so, ask a nonjudgmental confidant in your social circle of female friends for a recommendation. Especially from a friend who has engaged a male companion. In certain socioeconomic circles, it’s more common than you may have realized.
Finally, contact your potential companion with the mindset of getting to know him. Schedule some time with him afterward if you feel that he’s a good fit for you.

The Wrap-up:

I have done my best to explain why a woman has a right to hire a male companion by illuminating what quality male companions do. Many do not recognize how fulfilling the time with a quality male companion can become due to their own misconceptions. You can share some wonderful rendezvous together.

It may not be for every woman. But if you are open to the possibility of indulging, you may find that this is exactly what you need. Most women who have engaged a quality male companion feel that they’ve received a real bargain.

In a perfect world, there would be no need for straight male escorts. Every woman desirous of memorable experiences with a man would have them. However, we do not live in such a world. Thus, we must navigate adult issues in the imperfect one in which we reside.

Properly understood, providing companionship to women is honorable and compassionate. It’s an honor to be a straight male companion. I give joy, pleasure, excitement, etc. to women or otherwise greatly enhance their lives. I would be honored to do this for you.

Part 1  Part 2

Couple Kissing

Straight Male Companion: A Woman’s Right To Hire Him Part 2

The Real Cost Of Male Companionship:

Every relationship comes with a toll. That toll may be an investment of time, emotional energy, financial, or a combination of thereof. Sometimes the financial toll for a male companion is less than the time or emotional ones.

Many women spend what may amount to a small fortune on clothes, cosmetics, lingerie, perfume, manicures, pedicures, gym memberships, plastic surgery, and this list goes on. Making her feel better about herself is at the heart of many purchases. It’s always best to work on one’s self from the inside out instead of the outside in. But if a woman is going to invest in retail therapy anyway then why not a quality male companion also?

Finally what if you or any woman for that matter retained a male companion who recognized how amazing you are beyond anything you could ever put on your body? A guy who does not disappoint or break your heart? A man there for you when you desire his companionship then gone when you don’t? Someone whose only reason for being in your life is to bring joy, pleasure, excitement, or otherwise make you feel amazing about yourself? What would that be worth to you?

Of course, elite male companionship comes with a toll also. – You wouldn’t want some cheap thrill, would you?

He led me through an evening of sensual tactile pleasures. – Client

The Sensuality A Woman Craves:

Providing companionship to women isn’t only about getting physical. However, if something does happen between them a male companion better be able to deliver. Rightfully so, there is an expectation that a “Professional” has deeper knowledge, skills, experiences, tools, stamina, etc. than the average Joe Blow.

Kissing her pussy

The connection between a woman and man can be a deeply moving adventure that thoroughly satiates. It can even become a sacred spiritual experience if the connection is strong enough and last long enough for her to submerge into ecstasy. An explosion of pleasure so powerful that the Goddess buried deep inside is released. Also known as ecstatic trance, bliss, flow, nirvana, etc.
The sacred sensual sciences can be magical.

Not every woman desires to explore the spiritual depths of sacred sensuality. But she should experience what it feels like to be touched by a man in ways she never dreamed. To enjoy an exuberance that moves her to cry out with tears of joy or eternally stop time. Feel a deep sense of connection, cared for, and special with a man whose confidence in his abilities is so sky-high he can take his time to give her an amazing experience. One who is genuinely able to put her gratification above his own.

By the way, it’s easier for a woman to submerge into ecstasy due to the energy of femininity. Many indigenous and ancient cultures have/had sexual and non-sexual rituals to attain this flow. Reaching this heightened state allowed the receiver to become clairvoyant, cure illnesses; communicate with higher beings, etc. That’s why these cultures had a higher reverence and respect for women. Something needed more than ever in this age of rampant misogyny and abuse (physical, verbal and emotional) aimed at women.

I wouldn’t have been able to go on in the marriage without hiring a Male Companion For Women – Client


A client may engage a male companion with or without her significant other’s knowledge or consent. In this society, the defacto criteria of a “good relationship” are longevity and monogamy. However, the explosion of open, poly-amorous, cuckold and etc. relationships indicates that there are many types of relationships. Some may be as caring and fulfilling as any other.

The couple may be madly in love constantly tearing one another’s clothes off but also like variety or want to add a little more spice. There’s actually a new term to describe when a partner is happy for and supportive of the other partner having an amazing experience with someone else. It’s called compersion.

Even in the situation where the significant other doesn’t know about the gigolo, the relationship may become enhanced when each person in that relationship receives what each feels is needed. We all want the maximum amount of joy in life. Who are we to place a value judgment on how another receives what we want for ourselves? If our significant other can’t or won’t help us achieve it then this is an alternative.

As far as longevity is concerned every relationship, marriage and monogamous ones included lasts only as long as the partners want to be together. Open, poly-amorous, cuckold, etc. relationships are no different in this respect.

Part 1  Part 3

Couple Kissing

Straight Male Companion: A Woman’s Right To Hire Him Part 1

If most women knew what a Straight Male Companion, Escort, Gigolo, etc. do more would hire them. – Clients & Companions

I’m a straight male companion catering to women. This merely means that I engage in a power exchange with women. Entering a woman’s life for a predetermined amount of time is a win-win relationship for both of us. In many ways, I serve at her pleasure for attention, romance, affection; her fulfillment. She shows her appreciation financially.

Woman yearning freedom

Over the last six years of providing companionship to women, there have been three occasions where a woman contacted me but consequently backed out. In one way or another, each one said that she shouldn’t engage me because she didn’t have the right to do so. This article is an attempt to explain why a woman has every right to hire my services or that of another luxury straight male escort of the highest quality.

Hiring a companion was one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. – Client

Unfortunate Circumstances:

A Woman's rightWhile one woman may engage a gigolo to merely add more joy to her already amazing life another may hire Straight Male Escort to address a challenge in her life that has become almost unbearable. She may be hurting from a broken heart, without the type of man that she desires to share her life or the pleasures of it.

From outward appearance, she may be on top of the world. But in private it’s a totally different story. She may cry herself to sleep nightly silently suffering from the pain inside. She may even believe that something is wrong with her. Of course, she doesn’t announce her pain to the world. Perhaps her closest confidants are aware of her situation. She then may engage a straight male companion to indulge in a temporary escape.

We all long for the tenderness of another. The quality of our lives and sometimes our health (physical or psychological) suffers without it. If I can brighten a woman’s life I’m happy to do so.

I felt so special and adored. – Client

What Women Really Want:

What most women really seek is a connection with a man’s masculine energy to complement her feminine energy. Most women have a penchant to feel a man’s masculine power and strength. A gentleman who can take control leading her into guaranteed pleasant experiences inside and outside of the bedroom in a warm, respectful, self-confident manner.

You may require little or a lot from your male companion. One hallmark of a quality male companion is his readiness, willingness, and ability to drop his ego in order to give you whatever is needed at the moment.  Always in a totally non-judgmental way that gives you the freedom to just be yourself.

Some believe that male companions are merely more polished guys who are trying to have their cake and eat it too. Although providing companionship to women may look easy to the outsider it is harder than you can imagine. I’ve owned a business in the past and can honestly say that it’s as difficult as any other. Frankly, there are much easier ways to earn a living or romance a woman. But it’s a labor of love. – Literally and figuratively.

Part 2  Part 3


Bondassage For Women – A Sensual Primer For Feminine Sensibilities

Many women love massage. Many love BDSM, also known as Kink. What if there was a way to combine the two? Bondassage is a50Bondassage trademarked sequence of practices, techniques, and implements that intertwines sensual massage, BDSM, and other modalities such as bodywork and breath work in a uniquely erotic manner. It goes beyond having orgasms. Instead, it takes the receiver on a journey of sensual and erotic discovery that often sends the receiver into ecstasy a.k.a. subspace.

A sensual massage is an actual massage using actual massage strokes. The touch, however, doesn’t stop at the erogenous zones. In fact, Bondassage gives the widely known, not so widely known, and often ignored erogenous zones plenty of attention. Most people don’t realize how intensely pleasurable even the most subtle touch can become.

Note: If you are unfamiliar with BDSM or Kink click here. Additionally, there are tons of information about it on the web, classes in sex toy shops, in private clubs & dungeons, forums, etc. Also, my Bondassage practice caters exclusively to women. Thus, this article is admittedly slanted toward women.


Origins of Bondassage:

Feather on Rear EndBondassage was created in 2008 by Jaeleen Bennis, a Certified Massage Therapist. She intertwined the following elements of BDSM/Kink with sensual massage and the above-mentioned modalities:

  • Sensual Domination
  • Submission (Lite)
  • Sensation play
  • Tie & tease
  • Bondage (Lite)
  • Others

all alchemized in a languid tantalizing manner that safely leads the receiver on an exploration of the depths of sensual pleasure. The receiver need not think, make decisions or do anything except merely enjoy. Something that is easy to do since the receiver need only feel the sensations of their body and connection to the giver. The sequence of practices, techniques, and implements all come together (an intentional pun) to please the senses.


Who is Bondassage For:

Bondassage is for any consenting adult who desires to be sensually satiated. It was created for men originally and then adapted for women later. Whereas most techniques in Bondassage are common to both male and female sensibilities some are gender-specific.

It has a rich set of practices, techniques, and implements for the female body. I further adapted the ambiance, sequence, practices, techniques, and implements with many of my own sensual secrets to emphasize and nurture the sensibilities of women and the female body.

By the way, it’s easier for a woman to submerge into ecstasy due to the energy of femininity. Arousing sexual energy is actually a very powerful way to tap into one’s own sacred divinity. It is also the most direct way to experience a deep spiritual connection with the divine force that underlies all of creation. In fact, many ancient and indigenous cultures have/had rituals to cultivate this sexual power in order to affect the physical and non-physical world. That’s why many of these cultures had a higher reverence and respect for women. Something needed more than ever in this age of rampant misogyny and abuse (physical, verbal and emotional) aimed at women.

One can experience the softer or harder side of BDSM in Bondassage. It can serve as a lite introduction to BDSM for newcomers or the harder edge of BDSM sessions for someone fully immersed in the kink lifestyle. However, Bondassage tends to gravitate towards the softer side of Kink.


Taste Of Bondassage:


Lite, restrained, feathery lite strokes tease, sliding over the bottom of your feet to the calves, thighs, buttocks, and back up to the neck. Hands follow tenderly caressing the soft tissues of your body; kneading the harder ones.

Perfectly relaxed with Bondassage you melt with eager anticipation of what’s to come next. A variety of tools are employed.
Firm caresses slowly increase the intensity of your pleasure. You begin to tense up as the touch becomes more intimate. The giver takes you right up to the edge of a release. With an ever-engulfing desire to be satiated your breathing becomes shallow. Your back arches, spontaneously moaning with passion.

Sensing that the tension in your body has become both titillating and unbearable, you receive permission to release it. With the sexual energy pulsating throughout your entire body you burst with excitement, quivering. Exhilarated with both the journey and finish line you bask in the afterglow.

Although the goal in Bondassage is the sensual and erotic journey itself, a release(s) of sexual tension inside of you is a nice climactic bonus as you come to the end of your journey of sensual and erotic discovery. Wouldn’t you agree?